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So, looking back on #InCoWriMo. A success. 28 pieces of correspondence, mostly two-page letters, but about 5 postcards. I only wrote people I already knew, particularly those I already write, and no fancy stationery. Got some happy messages and a couple of unexpected letters in return, one on the last day.

For #InCoWriMo2023 I’m writing to friends every day and the first 10 days or so will be Valentine/Galentine/Falentine themed. I did this rainbow mosaic heart for a friend in Japan. Prime minister Kishida recently said if Japan allowed same-sex marriage “the society would change”. And last week one of his aids made derogatory comments on LGBTQ folks. He was fired, but I know many of my LGBTQ friends are hurting and I wanted to show solidarity.

Wednesday’s #3GoodThings:
1. Received a good news I’ve been waiting for a while!
2. Wrote a card to a friend for day 1 of #incowrimo !
3. Attended a fun focus group too

水曜日の3 Good Things:
1. しばらく待っていた良いニュースが届いた!
2. InCoWriMo 初日で友達にカード書いた!
3. 面白いフォーカスグループに参加した

New month, new journal 😍 Also this February I’m participating in Incowrimo -International Correspondence Writing Month and I’ll be handwriting a letter or a card every day. So if you get a message from me asking for a mailing address, that’s why! Happy February everyone.
2月になりジャーナルを新調。今年から新しいチャレンジを、始めます。2月はInternational Correspondence Writing Monthということで、2月は毎日手書きで手紙やカードを書くというもの。なので私から住所教えてって連絡来たらそれが理由です🙏


It’s February! And that means we’re back in that lovely month of the year that has an extra focus on snailmail.
I have been writing letters since I was 8 years old and I still love to sit down and put my fountain pen to paper. Some of my faraway friends go waaay back.

Happy Month of Letters! 🐌📮💌