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We are the Mastodon social network for Wales and the Welsh, at home and abroad! Y rhwydwaith cymdeithasol annibynnol i Gymru, wedi'i bweru gan Mastodon!

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Giles Goat

@eniko I don't get all this "is dying" thing .. I come here every day and I see new people all the time, I can see probably more posts than I can/want process as Barnum said "There's something for everyone" 🙂 Actually I see more furries here than anywhere else ( I was before ) 😂 I don't know if it's a matter of Quantity VS Quality but I dare to say "Quality" prevails here. As for Brasil I'd love there would be some more here - CAPRICHOSO - I'd like to practice my Portuguese more 🙂 CONT.

@eniko CONT. but .. "what you expect/want from a social media ?" .. I must said "I am biased" because I DO NOT CARE or better to say IT IS NOT MY GOAL to have "as many followers as possible" and/or "do all I can to see that number increase". I am here to read, talk ( and MOAN 😂 ) about things, it's not for me "an advertising platform" it's more like "a public pub where I can meet some friends and maybe make some new ones". And/or just MOAN about how bad the weather is in Wales 😎

@gilesgoat @eniko yeah, honestly, this. I am significantly here for friendly chatter and sharing of interests and daily trivialities and moaning and all that digital community stuff.

@dev_ric @eniko Could be a new "show" "Moaning with Friends" 😂