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a stinky ox 🐂

Place where Tempest 2000 and Llamatron were made

I'm actually thinking of placing a geocache near there and calling it Borregas East.

If I'd've stayed there Defender 2000 would've been a better game. Going corpo was a wrong decision for me.

Should've stayed in Cwmcych. Perhaps if I'd stayed and consumed beer at the pub diligently enough it might not have closed. And I'd be the ungentrified oik at the end of the village.

Strangers in my old house now, no sheep in the garden.

Makes me kinda sad to be honest.

@llamasoft_ox this address has been burnt onto my mind from being a young teen discovering Llamatron - I think there must have been a section on the title screen about shareware and sending a cheque in the post!?

@jtruk the address for that would have been my mum's place in Tadley, not my actual place in west Wales.

@llamasoft_ox Ah. Oh!
I must have assumed it was your place in Wales because there certainly are a lot of pleasant mounts there?!
I guess the salient point is that I absorbed an address and had it wedged in my head for 30-odd years 😄
Thank you for the games over the years, especially Llamatron, Tempests, and the light synth experiments!

@wrisi no, this is where I used to live before I went to the US for 3 years in 1994.

I actually wish I'd never left there to be honest.


Wait wait wait... is this Jeff Minter? 😮

Brilliant to see you on here! 👋

@FediThing That is my designation amongst humans, yes. Been here a while! 🐂

@llamasoft_ox Going back to a place that used to be home is always the weirdest sensation. I don't think there's anything like a word to describe the feeling of a thing that should be comforting but is now just inert.

@llamasoft_ox Would you have met Giles The Goat if you had stayed?

@llamasoft_ox Strange there's no blue plaque really. Ought to get one done.