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bawb. Ah, Dydd Sadwrn. Dim Caffi Trwsio heddiw, felly gaethon ni lie-in. Dyn ni'n mynd i gael pethau o Screwfix, a brigdorri'r ffigysbren yn yr ardd.

morning everyone. Ah, Saturday. No Repair Cafe today, so we had a lie-in. We're going to get things from Screwfix, and prune the fig tree in the garden.

bawb. Gaethon ni lie-in bach y bore 'ma, achos dim towyr. Yn ôl i'r gweithdy cymunedol heddiw, wedyn mae gan Mam Alfred apwyntiad ysbyty.

everyone. We had a little lie-in this morning, because there were no roofers. Back to the community workshop today, then Alfred's Mum has a hospital appointment.

bawb. Gaethon ni noson lawen neithiwr yn Glwb Miniatures, yn gwneud cacen fach, wedyn yn bwyta nibbles. Bwytais i ormod o gaws, wrth gwrs. Heddiw, dyn ni'n mynd i'r siopau, wedyn tipyn bach o waith. Mae'r towyr wedi newydd gyrraedd.

everyone. We had a fun night last night at Miniatures Club, making a small cake, then eating nibbles. I ate too much cheese, of course. Today, we're going to the shops, then a bit of work. The roofers have just arrived

bawb. Dydd Llun arall, wythnos arall. Heddiw, efallai, byddwn ni'n chwilio am bethau i roi yn y sgip, cyn iddo fynd. Heno, dyn ni'n mynd i 'barti' Nadolig Glwb Miniatures (Dewch â nibbles)

everyone. Another Monday, another week. Today, perhaps, we will look for things to put in the skip, before it goes. Tonight, we're going to a Miniatures Club Christmas 'party' (Bring nibbles)

bawb. Dechrau araf heddiw, ar ôl wythnos o godi yn gynnar. Dyn ni'n mynd i wneud waith yn yr ystafell wely, yn dinoethu wal, tra dyn ni'n gallu rhoi'r hen blastr yn y sgip.

everyone. Slow start today, after a week of getting up early. We are going to do work in the bedroom, exposing a wall, while we can put the old plaster in the skip.

bawb. Dw i wedi bod i'r gwaith, nawr mae gen i paned. Ar y ffordd adre, siaradon ni i gymydog siaradus, roedd eisiau gwybod am y gwaith ar y to. Mae o'n meddwl enw Alfred yw Arnold.

everyone. I've been to work, now I have a cup of tea. On the way home, we spoke to a talkative neighbour, he wanted to know about the work on the roof. He thinks Alfred's name is Arnold.

bawb. Off i'r gwaith yn fuan. Wedyn, dw i ddim yn gwybod. Rhaid i mi cofio anfon neges i fy chwaer am pethau Nadolig. Dw i ddim rily yn teimlad Nadolig eto.

everyone. Off to work soon. Then, I don't know. I must remember to send a message to my sister about Christmas things. I'm not really feeling Christmas yet.

bawb. Dydd siopa heddiw, awn ni i Aldi, Morrisons a'r fferyllfa. Dw i wedi gwneud pot mawr o saws bolognaise i goginio yn y cwcer araf trwy'r dydd.

everyone. Shopping day today, we'll go to Aldi, Morrisons and the pharmacy. I've made a big pot of bolognaise sauce to cook in the slow cooker all day.

Wythnos brysur wythnos 'ma. Sgwrs Cymraeg bore 'ma - tri o ni tro 'ma. Dwi'n dechrau cwrs Dysgu Cymraeg bore yfory, hyfforddiant yn y gorsaf bad achub nos Fercher, wedyn gyrru i Gymru (eto) ddydd Gwener. Dwi'n mynd i drio ychydig o wisgi a, gobeithio, siarad bach o Gymraeg.

bawb. Mae hi'n bwrw glaw, ond mae'r llen plastig ar y to yn ein cadw ni yn sych. Heddiw, dyn ni'n mynd i ymweld â cynwraig Alfred, i rhoi mobility scooter iddi.

everyone. It's raining, but the plastic sheet on the roof keeps us dry. Today, we are going to visit Alfred's ex-wife, to give her a mobility scooter.

bawb. Dim byd arbennig i wneud heddiw. Efallai, mynd i'r siopau elusen i gyfrannu pethau (a thrio peidio brynu gormod mwy).Efallai, tipyn bach o gwnio y prynhawn 'ma. Wedyn swper efo fy mam-yng-nghyfraith.

everyone. Nothing special to do today. Maybe go to the charity shops to donate things (and try not to buy too much more). Maybe a little bit of sewing this afternoon. Then dinner with my mother-in-law.