25°c at bedtime.
It ain't funny.
I hate having to get up at 4.00 am. on a Sunday morning.
25°c at bedtime.
It ain't funny.
I hate having to get up at 4.00 am. on a Sunday morning.
6 days now of barely functioning...
That's the bright new future for all of us.
Not to come across all #IrishMammy, but I was having a fucking exceptional laundry/drying day before all the local dads came home and decided they were Pitmaster Flash and that today was their annual turn to make dinner.
Christian Adams on #heatwaveuk #GlobalWarming #heatwave - political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com
A misty sunrise in West Devon this morning, with temperatures forecast to rise to 27 °C this afternoon:
Some "heavy showers" are forecast on Monday afternoon.
Don't forget to put water out for your hedgehogs in this heat!
#hedgehogs #hedgehog #wildlife #heat #heatwave #heatwaveuk #preservation
I hope when the weather finally breaks it is during the day, while I am off shift, or at night if I am on shift, just so I can see the torrential downpour. I do love seeing the post #heatwave downpours. #HeatwaveUK #ScottishWeather
I watered the plants on my bedroom windowsill this morning, had to leave water sitting in the little plant tray to get them really soaked. I also left the window open so the room didn't overheat. I just found out the local sparrows have been visiting my windowsill and drinking from the tray. I found out because the little fuckers have crapped all over my windowsill and even some of the carpet. #ThanksNature
#Heatwave #HeatwaveUK
Having poor circulation in a heatwave means your feet are always feeling like they are on fire.
In winter, they are never warm.
How come the good weather always brings out the bad drivers? Either speed demons or slowpokes. All things considered, I'd rather deal with the speed demons. At least the ton up boys are away from me quick. The slowpokes just keep stuck to you forever.
We can't afford #heat in #winter, there's no chance of #aircon in summer. Who in the hell has #airconditioning at home in the #UK anyway?
There's something fishy about the reasoning.
Who will make a #profit out of this?
@EatSleepCycle@twitter.com @FlightFreeUK@twitter.com @pcs_union@twitter.com @ClimatePcs@twitter.com "Efficiency improvements would be great - if we didn't increase how much we flew. The problem is: air traffic growth is rapidly outpacing efficiency improvements."
– Finlay Asher @Green_Sky_Think@twitter.com, aviation engineer
@EatSleepCycle@twitter.com @FlightFreeUK@twitter.com The technology on display at #FarnboroughAirshow has about as much chance of decarbonising the aviation sector as pigs flying. We need a strategy to protect workers."
– Tahir Latif, @pcs_union@twitter.com @ClimatePcs@twitter.com
One thing that is guaranteed to reduce emissions from aviation: manage demand and reduce the amount we fly. But that's the one thing that is missing from the #JetZero strategy."
– @EatSleepCycle@twitter.com, @FlightFreeUK@twitter.com
One thing that is guaranteed to reduce emissions from aviation: manage demand and reduce the amount we fly. But that's the one thing that is missing from the #JetZero strategy."
– @EatSleepCycle@twitter.com, @FlightFreeUK@twitter.com