is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
We are the Mastodon social network for Wales and the Welsh, at home and abroad! Y rhwydwaith cymdeithasol annibynnol i Gymru, wedi'i bweru gan Mastodon!

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It’s depressing that there is probably an entire generation of people who only got to know the internet through venture capital driven apps and companies that only cared about manipulating people for their attention. And don’t fool yourselves, we (the people who grew up on the open web) let that happen as well.

In some sense we’re back to the late 90s with *the open web* being a thing that a lot of people explore for the first time now.


@esther this is what I attribute the defeatist narrative to when it comes to monolithic platforms. They've never known anything else.