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Mike In The Autumn Garden

Happy autumn equinox. I came across this artwork years ago and it always evoked that transition point that tips the balance between day and night.

The crows, ravens and other corvids have always been richly entwined into lore and culture.

Birds of immense skill, intellect and wisdom and paired up with elemental beings and gods.

From the immense Brân to the all-seeing Odin.

So, enjoy the tipping point and welcome the welcoming darkness into your lives.

@MikeInTheGarden wishing you both a beautiful and blessed equinox. may this day of balance bring you gently to a time of rest and renewal 🍂☀️

@MikeInTheGarden. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

@MikeInTheGarden I like the art. I don't like the dark.