My Grandma is going to sell her flat. It’s in one of those managed accommodation places, you know, for old people. Everything about it is beige polyester slacks and Daily Mail Sunday Supplement porcelain figurines, all very old person stuff.
Then I look at the other flats there listed on Rightmove and it’s for the over 50s. I’m going to be 50 soon!
@aegir I turned fifty a few years back, imagine my absolute fricking horror when I started getting emails and marketing from Saga
@CloudyMrs @JamieR Who the hell sent you those!? “Happy birthday! Don’t piss yourself!”
@aegir @JamieR direct from TENA. Maybe a coincidence but a voucher came through the door about a week after my birthday. Here's a link. IF you're tempted to treat someone special. DONT.
@CloudyMrs That is so rude.
@aegir I wonder how successful their advertising campaign was in the end.
@CloudyMrs Feels like something you buy out of necessity? It’s not like they need any more brand awareness is it?
@aegir ahh, these are the sexy pishy knickers, not the old lady ones. The story they're trying to sell has flaws.
@CloudyMrs I genuinely laughed out loud at that
@aegir I didn't take the knickers. I try not to laugh, just in case. #pishypants