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Say hello to Dolly, the chook of many colours.

I hadn't realised how much bigger Dolly was compared to Myfanwy.

The full range of chicken sizes (so far.)

@sheepnik oh my goodness she's lovely! and so alert! wonderful wonderful chicken creation there.

@sheepnik that's a wonderful yarn for her. Hello Dolly!

@sheepnik she’s a whole lot of chook. Hello Dolly!

@sheepnik oh wow she's epic! now of course i'm thinking how big/smol can you make them ...

@moonrabbit the only limit is the thickness of the yarn and the size of your knitting needles.

@sheepnik and the size of your house, i suppose, although i guess you could always go outside. i am now imaging an alice-style huge chook wearing a house.

@moonrabbit it has been suggested that I make a little chicken tent to hide in, but I suspect I'd end up with serious RSI if I tried.

@sheepnik goodness yes that would be a lot of knitting. i suppose you could make a chicken big enough for your head to go in and then kind of attach it to a sheet or something or a dressing gown and god i'm basically telling you to make a cultist's robe but with a chicken instead of a hood and i'm sorry.

@moonrabbit an alternative to the Mari Lwyd perhaps?

@sheepnik yes! just like that. but with a chicken and maybe an extra-long sheet for hiding purposes. and maybe the sheet could be something soft like a blanket? or a fluffy towel.

@moonrabbit this is something to investigate one day.

@sheepnik @moonrabbit
It could an intricate weave of feather boas. 😁

@CatHerder @sheepnik

or yarn boas? feather boas would require rather a lot of feathers, which (unless they're shed naturally) might upset the chickens rather.
boas made of hundreds of tiny knitted chickens :blobcatscared:

@sheepnik Is the pattern online anywhere, or is it a closely guarded secret?

@AllieNickell It's on Ravelry if you use that (search for Emotional Support Chicken) or you can get it from here

I warn you, it is impossible to make just one.

theknittingtreela.comKnit - Emotional Support Chicken Pattern™

@sheepnik Thanks! Wondering if I can adapt it into an Emotional Support Duck.

@AllieNickell I think it would work if you didn't add the comb and wattle.

@sheepnik you know you've just created an earworm for me? "Hello, Dolly.."

@marews I have it too, if it's any consolation.

@sheepnik we can sing together!

It's greatly done, by the way 🙂

@sheepnik This is a very pleasing use for variegated yarns that often end up displeasing me!