#BoreDa bawb. Dw i wedi mynd i'r siopa efo fy mam-yng-nghyfraith. Mae Alfred yn sâl, yn y gwely, efo tymheredd. Roedd larwm tân ym Morrisons, ond dim tân, diolch byth.
#GoodMorning everyone. I've gone shopping with my mother-in-law. Alfred is sick, in bed, with a temperature. There was a fire alarm at Morrisons, but thankfully no fire.
@suearcher Alfred druan! Gobeithio bydd o'n teimlo'n well ar ôl aros yn y gwely heddiw.
Poor Alfred! I hope he'll feel better after staying in bed today.
Poor Alfred! Hopefully he will be better after staying in bed today.
Diolch. Dwi ddim yn gwybod os mae o'n adwaith i'r brechiad fliw, neu fliw, neu unrhywbeth arall. Wna i drio edrych ar ôl fo, ond dwi'n meddwl mae o'n dim ond eisiau cysgu.
Thank you I don't know if it's a reaction to the flu vaccination, or the flu, or anything else. I'll try to look after him, but I think he just wants to sleep.
@suearcher Falle dim ond adwaith i'r brechiad? O'n i'n eitha' sâl ar ôl pigiad yr eryr wythnos diwetha'. O'n i'n teimlo'n oer, wedyn poeth efo tymheredd uchel. Efo lwc, bydd Alfred yn well cyn bo hir tasai fo'n gorffwys.
Maybe just a reaction to the vaccination? I was quite ill after the shingles jab last week. I felt cold, then hot with a high temperature. With luck, Alfred will be better soon if he rests.
@Dewines Gobeithio. Mae o wedi codi nawr, i eistedd ar y soffa. Yn anfodus, dw i wedi sylweddoli, dw i wedi colli'r trêt bach a prynais i iddo fo. Dw i'n meddwl nes i ei gadael ar y checkout.
Hopefully He's up now, to sit on the sofa. Unfortunately, I've realized, I've lost the little treat I bought for him. I think I left it at the checkout.
@suearcher O! Dyna biti am y trêt bach.
That's a pity about the little treat.
Wel! Nes i dod o hyd y trêt! Paced o gacennau Bakewell. O'n i wedi rhoi fo yn rhewgell gan camgymeriad. Maen nhw'n dadrewi nawr.
Well! I found the treat! A packet of Bakewell cakes. I had put it in the freezer by mistake. They are thawing now.
@suearcher O, da iawn! Byddan nhw'n barod i fwyta cyn bo hir. Dw i'n falch bod nhw ddim ar goll.
Oh, very good! They will soon be ready to eat. I'm glad they're not lost.